We are finishing up what we refer to as a season. A season for us and the majority of boats in this part of the world would be from October (when it is getting cold up north) till July or August (when hurricane season arrives) or the weather is unbearable. There are the few brave ones who will head north into the Sea and avoid the hurricanes and into cooler water. For us the season ends in August. We will leave Meshach in Mexico and head home via Airliner to Hawaii to re-group, see family, maintenance on the house, paper works and business that can't be done from the boat. People ask us why we chose Mexico as a place to visit, live, sail... The answer is we love it. We love to travel experience new places, new people, live simple, spend time with our kids while they are still young and we relatively young. The list goes on. We love the adventure and the challenge and the pure simplicity of it and the lesson that you can live with so...