Clean Sheets and Showers

Yeah! I was finally able to add the map that will allow everyone to follow the boats position across the Pacific.

Aug 26 @ 07:30 their position was 32.23 North 155.41 West.

Not many miles were covered yesterday as they crawled along at two knots in flat seas, but they are now a much cleaner crew. Calm seas and a slow moving boat allowed them to do laundry, make water and have a much needed hot shower. Wow! Now that is luxury! Nothing like fresh sheets after six nights of salt scrubs. Hey people pay big bucks for that kind of treatment!

On Tuesday they sailed through a cold front and are now in 20 knots of wind from the WNW. They are sailing along at 8 knots in 6 foot seas. They sound good and are enjoying being out there .

I asked them if they have started estimating an arrival time. Not so much as they are still trying to get north and into some favorable winds. They have been using Commander Weather, a weather routing service that helps them determine the best point of sail to get them there quickly and safely.

I know I shouldn't have but I did. I asked Thor if anything has broken. Why did I ask? Well more projects!

Now for those not familiar with the boating life, it is pretty common for there to be a project. How else would you spend all your free time. Well it's not that bad. A few of the tramp attachments pulled out when large seas slammed the boat on the first night out. It was probably the few I installed! I am not a boat builder, but, hey I did change the ignition coil in my car yesterday! Not too shabby! I gave myself brownie points.

Another day ...another couple hundred miles... Thanks for all the comments.


  1. Good job with the Google Map; definitely gives perspective on their progress to the non-sailors (and non-GPSers) out there.

  2. Thanks again for the updates Tanya!


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