And Now... The Rest of the Story

Sorry for the lag in posting. Sept 8Th has come and gone and the crew of Meshach has arrived safely on the other side. We have had a fun filled week in Santa Barbara. More on that later.

The welcoming committee in Santa Barbara was awesome!

Rich Steve's Brother in law was our official spotter. From San Luis Obispo he drove South scanning the horizon, and was the first person to spot Meshach. We received the call to let us know to head over to the Shoreline Park along the coast for the best vantage point. Then of course there is Kara who so lovingly gave up her husband for three weeks for Adam to help Thor on the crossing, a big thank you to both of them.. Kara James and Marie have also been our gracious Host and Hostess while we have been here in SB... Yes we are not on the boat full time yet and we better move on soon or this might get too comfortable... Michelle, Ava and Carrie , also from Kauai also showed up for the welcome party.

The fun didn't stop at the dock. A big Mahalo to Lori and Mark the owners of Island Brewing, who not only bought beer to the dock , but opened up the brewery for a BBQ, unlimited beer on tap. Kauai friends, the Rileys and the Osbornes as well as family of the crew got together at a wonderful venue.. The brew pub is in Carpenteria, has an ocean view and the occasional rumble of the train that runs right by the front of their establishment....
Good food and fun was had by all. We hope to all get together again soon to do some sailing.

So of course along with all the food and fun came the stories. It has been established that Steve had the worst shift, did most of the cooking and probably will do a crossing again just not any time soon..
He has definitely put his time in on Meshach and we can never thank him enough. But Thor told him it's like child birth, he will soon forget and will hit the high seas soon. But then what does Thor know about childbirth???

It took Thor till the next day to tell me that 400 miles out from Kauai the centerboard pin blew out and the centerboard banged around for a day, he had to swam under the boat in the middle of the big blue to established that they were not going to have a good time going to weather. (the cb is a very essential part to pointing the boat when headed into weather.) Two thirds of the trip from Hawaii to California is usually up wind, but they lucked out or had an angel in the winds, because despite what the weather maps were saying they somehow had their own weather system that pushed them along. In normal conditions Thor said they should still be out there.

Ahhh! Well that's how it goes, They didn't want to worry us. I am glad I did not know ,as my plate was already just a little full.

Now we are preparing to get the boat back in order to call her home. We will be in SB for about two weeks before we start heading south.


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