Halfway Party ! Sept 2 2009

Champagne for the crew as they celebrated their halfway mark. I don't know what the criteria was for halfway. I hope it was miles accomplished and not days underway.

They have great wind and very nice conditions. They are 1130 miles from Santa Barbara and sailing along nicely at 8-9 knots of wind. The forecast for the next few days looks favorable , and if they can keep up their speed they could be there in the next 5-6 days.

Position is 36.35
Winds from the NW `12-15
Seas 3 feet
Boat Speed 8 knots


  1. Thor called via sat. phone to say they had reached half-way point and celebrated with a glass of wine or something close to that? I spoke to Steve and Thor for about ten minutes, they sound in good spirits and looking forward to S.B.and family and friends at dockside in about 6-7 days. I'm hoping to greet them as they arrive ...trying to get my old truck running for the occation.Well , so long for now give my regaurds...M.D.


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