Home Stretch....

200 Miles to go and plenty of wind to get them here. This morning at 0:600 they were at
35.20 n 127.25 w with 25 knots of wind in 10+ seas. The boat speed is 10+ and they hope to maintain speed to arrive in SB by Tuesday morning.

Last night was the coldest night yet as well as the boat being pretty wet. Poor Steve got swamped by one of the only waves that hit the cockpit the whole trip. To make it worse he had just grabbed his dry clothes. I am sure they are more than ready to be on dry land and have a very long hot shower and a very cold beer.

We are leaving bright and early tomorrow to make sure we are there when they arrive. Kara is driving down from San Fransisco to meet they crew and Steve's family will be there as well. We are so excited to also have a whole group of wonderful friends from Kauai and my cousin Tyson who now live in Santa Barbara. It will be a nice welcoming committee.

We will get an afternoon update today with a more precise update on arrival.... I will try to post


  1. I have really enjoyed the posts on your boats voyage. Look fwd. to meeting you in the Sea of Cortez this winter...Jack & Joanne "Corazon"


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