Noon Arrival...

Tomorrow at noon is the ETA. Not 11:00 not 1:00 but 12:00. OK! we will be there on the dock at noon. With a group of loved ones from all different directions coming to meet the crew, it was a specific a time. There is something about seeing them sail in from offshore that is so exciting. We don't want to miss it. So we will be leaving this morning bright and early to start the drive to SB, Kara will be leaving even earlier to arrive from San Fransisco. Thor said if it's any sooner they will slow the boat down. Why they would slow the boat down, even for us, well I know land would be looking too good to me. But hey whats another hour or so when you've been out at sea for 19 days.

This has been a long time for us not to have Thor around and are looking forward to having our family back together. To be completely truthful I am looking forward to a little R & R myself. When was the last three week, or three day, vacation I had with out the keiki. OK I could never leave them for that long but a day without mommy duties would be pretty nice.

I keep saying how surreal it feels to be gone from home and starting this amazing adventure. Seeing Thor and having the boat here will make it pretty real.


  1. Wish we were there with you to see Thor, Adam and Steve sail in, Tanya.

    And so they adventure begins...

    Thinking of all of you and missing you already. Love,
    the Ohana Hunt

  2. We're so happy things went well...can't wait for more updates.


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