Hawaii Swell arrives in Punta Mita

Today we spent the day surfing in Punta Mita. A pretty big swell that has made it's way from Hawaii has hit the breaks along the coast causing bumpy anchorages, but fun riding waves. Besides surfing all day the best part of the adventure was maneuvering our dingy into shore through the 4 foot surf . It was thrilling and took some know how not to end up in the water. Thor did a great job getting all four of us and three surfboards to shore ,dry and safe. What a rush of adrenaline.

This fun surf spot used to be a unspoiled beach with a small fishing village. It was sad to see such development along the coast line, and even more disheartening to hear the true story behind the newly built resorts. In short families who had been living here for years were forced to move from their homes, garden and subsistence lifestyle. The reef which used to be alive and flourish with sea life now is a dead reef.

This story sounded too familiar. We tried to walk to the town today making our way from the beach and were surprised to find the well manicured resorts not only were gated to keep people out, but to also keep them in. We had trouble finding our way to the real town trough the maze of Four Seasons, Ritz Carlton and other 5 star resorts. We felt as if we could of been anywhere in the states except for the barbed wire surrounding the outskirts of the resort complex. We were looking for a local taco stand and walked for quite a way only to realize there were none and ended up back on the beach to eat at one of the restaurants geared toward the resort guest. The trick to finding the local places was the farther we got from the center the less expensive and more authentic it was.

We had a great day surfing with Jesse, who rode the bus from San Pancho to hang out with us.
Our day was topped off with a beautiful sunset and a great nights sleep.

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