Agua Verde

Agua Verde Goats

Agua Verde
The last time we anchored in Agua Verde was in 2001, same boat different crew.  It was just Thor and I during the the winter months.  It was the last months we would spend in the Sea of Cortez befoe heading south to Puerto VAllarta and the South Pacific.  It was day and night from this latest visit.  We were anchored on the North side of the bay as a strong Northerly blew and for the first time ever we drug anchor.Of course this happens when Thor is running a 103 degree temperature.  We started the engine to soon realize no water was running through and that the inppeller was shot.  It was the quickest and most nerve wracking experience.  Other boats were woken up and warned that we were dragging, we had no power and we were working on it.  Long story short.  All went well and after lifting anchor we decided to re anchor in better holding.  We better holdng meant 5 hours of no sleep on the floor in the center cabin, as the boat pitched in the surf.  At the first light of day we decided it was too cold and the wind was just not coming from a direction that was fun .  So as cruisers tend to do we changed plans and South we sailed.  Leaving Agua Verde and destinations north for another day and time.

Well that day came.  Here we anchor with our extended crew of four.  The weather is clear, the sun is hot and the water is almost too still.  We are anchored in the southern part of the bay nicely tucked into the cove in about 8 feet of clear water, the temperature of the water is 85 degrees.  We walked though the village to find some of the famous goat cheese with no luck. We did get lucky with the fisherman that just pulled in. We were able to buy a nice size fish. Tristan and Sienna made friends with the little black puppy that they have claimed to train in a matter of twenty minutes to fetch rocks.  No No No we can't have a dog...tears from Sienna but the mention of smores and a bonfire perk her up. 


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